Sunday, May 15, 2011

Domestic Violence

I really hate seeing women, especially ones I know, stay with a man who treats them like dirt. I'm not judging and I'm not a hypocrit. I have been there, and I still suffer from the consequences every day. But it's hard to watch someone go through it and not be able to help them.
A woman in that situation can only be helped if they understand the problem, and if they want to be helped. I didn't want help, or more accurately, I didn't know how to ask. I had a lot of pride and although my parents would have come running the second I called, I didn't want to admit the situation I'd gotten myself into.
What I think a lot of women believe that it's not abuse if they are being hit, which is totally untrue. Mental and emotional abuse is just as severe as physical abuse.
Kids. Kids are not a reason to stay in a hostile relationship, ever. They perceive so much more than we think. By staying in that relationship you are letting him hurt the kids, emotionally, by letting him hurt you. You are NOT protecting your kids by taking it all on yourself.
The most important thing to learn in this situation is that he will NEVER change. No matter how hard he says he will change, no matter how hard you try, there's no hope. It took me a long time to realize that. After every broken promise, after every fight, he never changed. It took months for me to convince myself that leaving him was the right thing to do. He tried, and almost succeeded, daily to convince me to go back to him. It took incredible strength, a lot of energy, and an amazing support system to finally let him go and find myself again. I can only hope that those who I watch suffer can have the same outcome.

If you know someone who's in a hostile relationship talk to them. Let them know it's ok. Let them know they can talk to you. Help them help themselves.

-Megan K.

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