Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm back! And it's a new year!

I do apologize for the brief hiatus for the past few weeks. The holidays were a lot busier than I expected them to be. Most of the free time I found was spent sitting on my bum, sipping a cup of coffee in a near coma. I even fell behind on some of my favorite TV shows *gasp*

Luckily, things are getting back to normal and I'm finding time again! For one I have found time to watch my new Seasons 1 & 2 of Vampire Diaries (thank you Santa!). Also, I happen to do a lot of writing during nap time at work.

Wait, what? That's right, I said NAP TIME at WORK. Unfortunately this doesn't mean I get to nap, I just get to watch a bunch of toddlers sleep the afternoon away while wishing I could curl up and join them. For the past few weeks it has been near impossible to get on my computer during this blessed downtime. Alas, ALL the children are asleep today *knocks on wood* and I have some quiet TIME.

So, one might ask as we start off this lovely January, "What is your resolution for 2012?" Actually, I have a few. Thank you for asking!

The first, and most pertinent to this blog, is to publish my first novel. I'm almost halfway through it and I'm hoping that 2012 is the year I join the ranks of self-published authors. I've known for quiet some time that I wanted to write a book, but every time I sat down to do so it felt forced and it never got past a page or two. Then suddenly, last spring, I was feeling inspired during my "nap time downtime" and I started writing. I wrote a good 10 notebook pages of content before my toddlers started waking up and I was forced to stop. Later, when I transcribed the notebooks pages to my computer, I was sad to see my 10 pages of hard earned writing was only equivalent to about 2 pages of word document writing. The story kept coming to me and the words kept flowing. Now I'm just over 30,000 words, the most I've ever written on a single work.

The others are less interesting like successfully planning and executing my May wedding, going on a honeymoon, and hopefully conceiving a child. All in all I plan for 2012 to be an excellent year. Now let's get on with it and see what comes of my planning.

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