Monday, December 12, 2011

Let's get the show on the road...

So I have a couple of posts on my blog. I keep seeing other authors posting a ton of stuff on their blogs, and I feel like I should be doing more. I am not published yet, and my first novel is far from finished.

I am so anxious to be done already! I would never rush the book just to reach this goal, but I am dying to share it with everyone. I love writing, but I WANT to spend my hours promoting my book and seeing what people have to say about it. I'm not afraid of negative criticism because it comes with the territory. Writers are artists, and like all artists we can't please everyone. Criticism helps us grow and become better writers.

The reason I'm so optimistic? This is the first story that I feel is worthy of publishing, and the first story that has gone anything past a short story. I currently have 56 pages of a word document, which is around 31,000-some-odd words. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I have always been a writer, it's in my blood and there's not a darn thing I can do about it. Most of my writing has been poetry or short stories, but nothing this EPIC.

I once made my 7th grade English teacher CRY in the middle of class, after reading a short story I wrote about a girl who tries to commit suicide. My entire life I have had nothing but encouragement from my English teachers and creative writing teachers to keep creating the things I create.

Until now I wrote for myself. I didn't write because I wanted to make money or win contests. Hell, I didn't even write in hopes that other people would read it. Writing was a hobby or a therapy, depending on the day.

I joined H.P's Online Writer's Club before I even started my first novel. I considered myself a writer and I sought company of other writers. Only then was I inspired to start writing my first novel. The story came to me one day while I was at work. I wrote it on notebook paper and transcribed it when I got home, and it has continued from there.

Every day I log on to Facebook and the first place I check is the writer's group. I am inspired each day by the creativity of these wonderful people. I haven't read many of their books yet only because I'm really trying to focus on my own, but I will. I've seen glimpses of their work, I've read their reviews, and I am impressed!

I'd like to say thank you to all of the AMAZING members of H.P.'s Online Writer's Club for inspiring me to embark on this crazy journey. I'm having a blast so far and I hope that one day, I can be just as amazing as all of you.

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